Building athletes to become the best version of themselves
Mission: I work with athletes and people to remove frustration by educating them on the application of the fundamentals principles of running. So that they can take ownership of the outcome and become the best version of themselves.
Vision: A world where people are empowered to respect and honor one another. Where athletes and people take ownership of their lives and do what it takes to create community through sport.
Coaching Focus:
I’ve focused my coaching in 2 disciplines - Adult and Youth Run Coaching
I coach adult trail and road runners; I have my greatest success with athletes focusing on long distance and ultra distance running at Lifelong Endurance
I coach youth runners to perform in track, cross country, and the playing field of life at Peak Performance Running
Find out about Coach Andrew Simmons,
his mission, methods, and the results of years of coaching
Step Forward
Moving to help people become the best version of themselves